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Get a Custom Field



Get a Custom Field


Path Parameters

    custom_api_id stringrequired

    The id of the Custom API.

    Example: 3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6
    custom_field_id uuidrequired

    The id of the Custom Field.

    Example: 859aeba1-03c2-4822-bd4c-89afce93d7eb



    data object required
    id uuid

    The unique identifier of the Custom Field.

    type string

    Specifies the type of the resource object, use custom_field for Custom Field.

    name string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 255 characters

    Specifies the name of this Custom Field.

    description string

    Possible values: <= 255 characters

    Specifies the description for this Custom API.

    slug string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 63 characters

    Specifies a slug that must be unique within the scope of the Custom API. This slug will be value as the key in the JSON Object in all entries.

    field_type string

    Possible values: [string, integer, boolean, float]

    Specifies the type of the field. This field cannot be updated.

    links object
    self uri
    meta object
    timestamps objectrequired
    updated_at stringrequired

    Specifies the date the entity is created.

    created_at stringrequired

    Specifies the date the entity is last updated.

    validation object
    boolean object
    allow_null_values booleannull

    Default value: true

    When set to true, this allows null values for that field on Custom API Entries. When set to false, storing null values is not permitted.
